Join our Affiliate Program

Unlock Earnings, Unleash Content: Join Our AI SEO Affiliate Program Today

Why become a SEO Blog Generator Affiliate?

Competitive Commission Rates
As an affiliate, you'll have the chance to earn great commissions for each sale you facilitate through your unique referral links. Given the high demand for effective content optimization tools among marketers and businesses, your potential to generate income is significant.
Promote a Revolutionary Tool
By becoming an affiliate, you get to promote a leading-edge AI tool that simplifies the creation of SEO-optimized blog posts. This technology not only saves time for your audience but also significantly boosts the quality of their content, adding immense value to their content strategies.
Earn Passively with Minimal Effort
Set up your referral links, integrate our promotional content into your digital channels, and watch as the opportunity for passive income unfolds. Your initial efforts can pay off continuously as your audience adopts this essential tool for their ongoing content needs.
Exclusive Insights and Updates
As an affiliate, you'll receive regular updates and exclusive insights into product developments and enhancements. This insider information can help you stay ahead of the curve, giving you an edge in your promotional efforts and enabling you to provide fresh content to your audience.

How does it work?

The process is simple
  • 1
    Complete the contact form to submit your application for our affiliate program.
  • 2
    Once approved, your personalized affiliate link will appear on your dashboard on our website.
  • 3
    Share the link with your followers and start earning!
  • Don’t take our word for it.
    Trust our customers

    This tool has been a huge time-saver…

    Using this SEO-focused AI blog generator has significantly streamlined my content creation process. It quickly produces interesting articles that are almost ready to publish with just a few tweaks. Although it requires clear instructions, the results consistently impress me. This tool has been a huge time-saver and greatly enhanced my blogging efficiency.

    Mirko Don
    Mirko Don
    It's super easy to use and saves me tons of time.

    This SEO blog generator is amazing! It's super easy to use and saves me tons of time. I love how it adapts the tone and style to match my needs.

    Robyn Sutherland
    Robyn Sutherland
    I'm thrilled with this tool!

    Whether I'm aiming for different audiences or specific keywords, it nails it every time. Highly recommend if you want to up your SEO game without the hassle!

    Thejana W.
    Thejana W.
    Saves me heaps of time.

    I'm impressed - it's so easy to churn out quality blog posts in bulk. That's why my favourite feature is that I can generate multiple blog posts related to a previously generated blog post.

    Alfred Gjini
    This tool works!

    Saves me so much time trying to think of keywords, this tool works!

    Alan Ong
    Alan Ong
    Highly recommended

    Great tool.. Saves a lot of time.. Generates interesting articles based on clear instructions.

    Adrin John

    Frequently asked questions

    How does the AI-powered Blog Post Generator work?
    Our AI-powered Blog Post Generator uses advanced algorithms to understand your input criteria, such as topic, tone, and keywords. It then generates a unique, relevant blog post that matches your specifications. The technology behind it includes natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, ensuring the content is not only relevant but also engaging and optimized for SEO.
    Absolutely! Our platform is designed for customization. You can specify the tone, style, and specific keywords you want to target. After the initial draft is generated, you can make edits to ensure the final product perfectly aligns with your brand voice and content strategy.
    Yes, all content generated by our AI Blog Post Generator is unique. Our AI models are trained to produce original content, tailored to your specific needs.
    Our AI is programmed with the latest SEO best practices. It incorporates keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and ensures readability to improve your blog's visibility on search engines. The AI understands the importance of SEO in content creation and integrates these elements seamlessly into your blog posts.
    While our AI strives to produce ready-to-publish content, we recommend a review process to add personal touches or specific insights. This ensures that every piece perfectly captures your brand's voice and meets your exact standards.
    Our AI Blog Post Generator significantly reduces the time spent on content creation. From ideation to drafting, it streamlines every step of the process, allowing you to produce high- quality blog posts in a fraction of the time it would take to write them manually.
    Our subscription plans offer a variety of options to fit your content needs. Choose the plan that best suits your volume requirements and enjoy the flexibility to create as much content as you need.
    Getting started is easy! Simply answer the questions at the top of our landing page, sign up, and you're ready to generate your first AI-powered blog post. Our user-friendly platform will guide you through the process, from inputting your specifications to generating and editing your content.
    We partner with Stripe to process payments. You can update your payment method, billing information or cancel your subscription by accessing your Billing Portal on Stripe. You can access this via the Dashboard, under Profile > Billing section.

    How do I apply?

    Submit this form, and we’ll contact you soon.

    Ready to become a SEO Blog Generator Affiliate

    Unlock Earnings, Unleash Content: Join Our AI SEO Affiliate Program Today